Bayer “One-A-Day” Vitamin Consumer Class Action In conjunction with the Center for Science in the Public Interest, Kaplan Fox is co-counsel for the plaintiffs in this consumer protection class action, alleging that Bayer AG and its US subsidiaries have falsely marketed various “One-A-Day” vitamin supplements. The complaint alleges that Bayer improperly touts unsupported claims of “heart health,” “immunity support,” and “energy” benefits that mislead consumers. On March 10, 2015, the Northern District of California denied portions of Bayer’s motion to dismiss, allowing the case to proceed…. Read More
Facebook Internet Tracking Class Action Kaplan Fox is court-appointed co-lead counsel for the plaintiffs in this digital privacy class action, alleging that Facebook illegally tracked members’ post-logout internet browsing without consent, in violation of federal and California privacy laws. The case is addressing whether URLs can contain “contents” within the meaning of the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, and whether Facebook’s alleged interception of the URLs can give rise to Article III harm… Read More
Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield Data Breach Class Action Kaplan Fox is court-appointed co-lead counsel for the plaintiffs in this data privacy class action, alleging that Horizon Healthcare Services (Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey) improperly stored health and other highly sensitive personal information on a laptop computer, and furthermore failed to encrypt the data. When a thief stole the laptop, personal data related to approximately one-third of New Jersey residents was compromised…. Read More